Getting Your VA Education Benefits Started
VA Education Benefits
Once you are admitted to UCCS, it is highly recommended you attend the Veteran and Military Orientation.
Upon admission, please follow these Four Important Steps:
Submit your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to Veteran and Military Affairs through military@uccs.edu, or bring it to the Student Veteran Center.
*Note for Chapter 31 VRE students - ask your VRE counselor to send your authorization to UCCS.
- Never used VA Education Benefits? Visit the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs website to learn more.
- Transferring benefits from another school? Visit the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs website to learn more.
- It can take 30-60 days to receive your COE from the VA – apply early!
Schedule a New Student Intake (NSI) with Veteran and Military Affairs (VMA) by emailing military@uccs.edu.
- Bring your COE or submit it in advance to military@uccs.edu.
- Using dependent education benefits? Ensure you have your sponsor’s SSN.
Submit a Residency Petition for In-State Tuition with the Office of the Registrar.
- Visit the UCCS Office of Registrar's website to learn more.
- In-state tuition is not given, it must be applied for through the Registrar's Office.
Submit a Request for Enrollment Verification (REV) through your student portal, under "Records and Registration".
- Do this each semester once you are enrolled.
- Report any schedule changes to Veteran and Military Affairs.
Click on your chapter benefit below for more information:
- Stipend is paid directly to student.
- Student is responsible for payment of tuition and fees, regardless of when VA payment is received.
- It is recommended that you set up a payment plan with the Bursar's Office.
Learn more about your benefits here:
MGIB-AD (Chapter 30) Active Duty
You must have a disability rating with the VA to apply for VR&E.
- Apply for Chapter 31 benefits.
- If you are eligible, you will be contacted by the VA to attend an orientation session.
- You will meet with your Veteran Readiness Counselor (VRC).
- Your VRC will send your eligibility document (authorization) to our office, in place of a Certificate of Eligibility.
- Schedule a New Student Intake with Veteran and Military Affairs.
- We cannot certify your enrollment until your Chapter 31 application process is complete and your eligibility document (authorization) has been received by Veteran and Military Affairs.
Please note that CH 31 Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) is NOT an education program.
The Purpose of VR&E is to provide guided opportunities for job training, employment accommodations, resume development, and other employment preparation services.
Pursuing your degree at UCCS falls into the job training portion of the program. Ultimately, your Veteran Readiness Counselor (VRC) must approve any changes to your degree plan, to include declaring a minor.
Only courses that apply to your degree plan can be certified for payment.
Learn more about your Chapter 31 benefits here.
- Tuition and Fees are paid directly to the school.
- Covers in-state tuition, minus College Opportunity Fund (COF).
- Book stipend is paid directly to student - up to $1000 per year.
- Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) is paid directly to student.
- Student must be full-time and enrolled in at least one in-residence course to receive the full MHA rate.
- MHA is paid by the enrollment period - check the start and end dates for each class. Different start and end dates can mean different rates of pursuit for MHA.
- If you enroll in online courses only, and you are full time, you will receive half the national average BAH.
- The first and last month's MHA are pro-rated because each term begins and ends in the middle of the month.
- MHA amounts are based on the DOD's Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) rates for an "E-5 with dependents" for the zip code of the school.
- If you drop courses at any time after the first day of the term, you may owe a portion of the MHA you receive to the VA, as well as tuition to the school. Talk to VMA before dropping courses!
- Yellow Ribbon may be available to students who are 100% eligible for Chapter 33 benefits, and are ineligible for in-state tuition.
- Covers the difference between resident and non-resident tuition, up to $12,000 per academic year.
- Residency is determined by the Office of the Registrar.
- If you think you may be eligible for Yellow Ribbon, please contact Veteran and Military Affairs. This funding is limited and may not be available to every eligible student.
Learn more about your Chapter 33 benefits here.
- Stipend paid directly to student.
- Student is responsible for tuition and fees payment, regardless of when VA payment is received.
- It is recommended that you set up a payment plan with the Bursar's Office.
Learn more about your Chapter 35 benefits here.
- Instead of a Certificate of Eligibility, you will complete the Notice of Basic Eligibility (NOBE) with your chain of command or unit education officer.
- Stipend is paid directly to the student.
- Student is responsible for payment of tuition and fees, regardless of when VA payment is received.
- It is recommended that you set up a payment plan with the Bursar's Office.
- This benefit cannot be used with Federal Tuition Assistance.
Learn more about your benefits here:
MGIB-SR (Chapter 1606) Selected Reserve
Students are ultimately responsible for their tuition.
Early submission of your paperwork reduces the possibility of delays.
Late fees are not covered by the VA.
Please contact the UCCS Bursar's Office for further information.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.