Fort Carson Education Center
Our Mission
As part of the Office of Veteran and Military Affairs, our mission is to provide assistance to active-duty military and family members.
We can help with Tuition Assitance, uploading GoArmyEd documentation, find the right degree program, admissions, Military Certification forms, and get you to the right person whatever questions you may have.
Contact Information
Education Center Contact Information
Reception / Administration Office: Room 138, Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 0730-1630 (Closed Wednesdays)
Army Education Counselors available: Mon, Tue, Thu 0900-1530; Fri, 1300-1530 (Closed Wednesdays)
Counseling available by appointments only on Fri, 0900-1200
Computer Lab (Rm 103) M-F, 0800-1700
Fort Carson Education Center Website
**PLEASE CALL 719-526-2124 for additional information**
UCCS Fort Carson Contact Information
Email: ftcarson@uccs.edu
Phone: 719-526-8066
Address: We are located in the Fort Carson Education Center
1675 Long Street, BLDG 1117
Fort Carson, CO 80913
Room 111 & 112
Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm