SVO Constitution
University of Colorado Colorado Springs Student Veteran Organization Constitution
The purpose of the University of Colorado Student Veteran Organization shall be to increase awareness and understanding of veterans issues on campus, in the local community, and nationally. Additionally, the UCCS-SVO seeks to promote success of University of Colorado student veterans through service, leadership, and scholarship. The organization intends to assist veterans in making successful transitions from military to college life by creating a social and professional support network, educating veterans on the benefits they are entitled, and providing a welcoming atmosphere the University of Colorado.
Articles of SVO Constitution
Section 1: Organization Name
The name of the organization shall be the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Student Veteran Organization. This name will be shortened to UCCS-SVO for common usage.
Section 2: E-mail and Contact Information
The organization's e-mail address will be set as milprogs@uccs.edu. The organization's web site will be set at military.uccs.edu.
Section 1: Eligibility
Membership in UCCS-SVO will be open to all University of Colorado at Colorado Springs students. No discrimination due to age, race, gender, sexual orientation, or veteran status will be allowed in the selection of UCCS-SVO members.
Section 2: Voting Eligibility
Members shall be eligible for voting rights after having attended 50% of General Member meetings or events of the UCCS-SVO in a semester.
Section 3: Authority of Voting Members
Voting eligible members shall have the authority to conduct the following actions:
- Adopt constitutional amendments
- Adopt bylaws and policies consistent with this constitution
- Elect and remove UCCS-SVO officers
- Serve on UCCS-SVO committees
- Chair UCCS-SVO committees
- Propose policies and activities for the UCCS-SVO
Section 1: Officer Meetings
Officers of the UCCS-SVO shall meet on a monthly basis with the specific agendas of the meetings set by the officers themselves. The minutes of these meetings shall be published in a way that is accessible by the entire UCCS-SVO membership.
Section 2: General Member Meetings
General Member Meetings shall be conducted on an as needed basis, with no fewer than two meetings in a semester. Minutes of these meetings shall be published in a way that is accessible by the entire UCCS-SVO membership.
Section 1: Eligibility
- Members of the UCCS-SVO will be eligible to serve as elected officers after fulfilling the following criteria:
- Have completed at least one semester at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
- Currently enrolled at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs in at least six credit hours
- Not currently on academic probation or currently under sanctions from the University, the office of Judicial Affairs, or the Office of Student Conduct
- Having attested to having the motivation, interest, and time to perform the duties and obligations of their elected office
- Have not been removed from any UCCS-SVO office for past misconduct
- Have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0
- Having been honorably discharged from any branch of the armed service
Section 2: Term of Office
Each officer shall serve for one academic year, commencing on the first day of the Summer Semester. Any officer who must take office before their term officially beings shall be considered an interim officer until their regular term begins the following Summer Semester.
Section 3: Elections
Elections shall be held once a year, during the spring semester, for the following academic year. The election procedure shall be determined by the sitting officers of the UCCS-SVO.
Section 4: Elected Offices
Article 1: President
The president shall be the elected chief executive officers of the UCCS-SVO. The president shall be the presiding officer over all regular meetings of the UCCS-SVO. The president is responsible for the strategic planning of the organization, appointment of committee chairs, oversight of other UCCS-SVO officers, and will act as the main representative of the UCCS-SVO. The president possesses discretionary powers to act or make decisions on behalf of the organization. The president shall have one vote for any matter requiring a vote of the officers. The president shall be a signer on any bank accounts.
Article 2: Vice-President
The vice-president shall be the elected chief operating and logistics officer and primary assistant to the president. The vice-president shall act as the president in the president's absence and have the authority to implement the president's guidance. The vice-president must confirm the appointment of committee chairs. The vice-president shall have one vote for any matter requiring a vote of the officers. The vice-president shall be a signer on any bank accounts.
Article 3: Public Affairs Officer
The public affairs officer shall be the elected administrative officer. The public affairs officer shall be charged with the responsibility of producing, recording, preserving, and distributing any and all documentation of the organization as well as publicizing and promoting events sponsored by the organization. The public affairs officer will maintain an accurate history of the organization. The public affairs officer shall have one vote for any matter requiring a vote of the officers.
Article 4: Treasurer
The treasurer shall be the elected financial officer. The treasurer shall be responsible for the maintenance of the organizations bank accounts and the setting and maintenance of the organization's budget. The treasurer's responsibilities included ensuring that all UCCS-SVO events have an appropriate budget and funding, maintaining information on UCCS-SVO funding sources, and any other finance duties relating to the operation of the UCCS-SVO. The treasurer shall have one vote for any matter requiring a vote of the officers. The treasurer shall be a signer on any bank accounts.
Article 5: Officer Voting
Any vote held by the officers of the UCCS-SVO will be won by a simple majority. Any tie during an officer session will be resolved by the UCCS-SVO president with the consent of the UCCS-SVO advisor.
Article 6: Vacancy and Removal
In the event of a vacancy of any officer position the general membership shall elect a replacement at the earliest possible date. An interim officer may be selected by the remaining officers until a vote can be held by the general membership.
An officer may be removed for cause of misconduct by a 2/3 majority vote of the general membership of the UCCS-SVO. If an officer is removed from office a replacement must be elected at the earliest possible date.
Section 1: Advisor and Department Affiliation
The UCCS-SVO advisor will be the sitting director of the Office of Veteran and Military Affairs at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. The UCCS-SVO will be affiliated and sponsored by the Office of Veteran and Military Affairs.
Section 2: Advisor Role
The UCCS-SVO advisor shall offer advice, assistance, and support for the UCCS-SVO as is appropriate to their position as the organizations advisor.
Section 1: Amendment Ratification
This constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the general membership of the UCCS-SVO.